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6 Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information | Human Resource Management

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information, human resource management
6 Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information!

1. Questionnaire Method
2. Observation Method
3. Interview Method
4. Diary Method/ Log Book Method
5. Technical Conference Method
6. Combined Method

 1. Questionnaire Method

This is the traditional method and very commonly used in organization for collecting job analysis information. Under this method, analysts distributes questionnaire to employees. Employees are asked to fill up questionnaire and sent back to the organization. Using response from employees through questionnaire job analysts collects necessary information. It is economic and popular method. However, accuracy is determined by the honesty and ability of employees or respondents.

 2. Observation Method

Under this method job analysts visit the area or place where employees are doing the job and observes the type of job, tools or equipment used in the job, complexity of the job, etc. Basically its objective is the time and motion required to perform job. It provides first hand information to the job analysts but it is not useful for all types of job.

 3. Interview Method

Interview refers to the face to face interactions between two or more individuals. Under this method, job analysts meet employees directly, puts different questions and curiosities about job to employees and collects necessary information. By this method, job analysts can collect accurate information but it is costly and time-consuming.

 4. Diary Method/ Log Book Method

It is another method to collect job analysis information. It is also called log book method where employees are provided a diary or log book. They are asked to write information regarding the complexities, opportunities and challenges faced in day-to-day activities. After certain time job analysts collects information from employees. It provides detail information about job analysis however it is costly, time-consuming but it is not suitable for all types of job.

 5. Technical Conference Method

It involves the organization of a conference to collect information. Under this method, organization organizes a seminar or conference of experts. They discuss and interact between each others about the different aspects of the job and finally develop the conclusion. The conclusion of such conference can be used as information for job analysis.  The technical conferences using the experts provides more accurate information but it is more time-consuming and costly method.

 6. Combined Method

It refers to the use of two or more method at a time. Under this method, interview and questionnaire method are combined together where the job analysts firstly use questionnaire method and later on, takes interview to check the accuracy of questionnaire. It provides more accuracy than other methods but it is time-consuming and costly.
