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Methods of Recruitment | Human Resource Management

Methods of Recruitment
Methods of Recruitment!

The recruitment method refers to the process of encouraging and stimulating people to apply for organizational vacancies. The aim of the recruitment method is to collect large number of application from eligible candidates so that the organization can select best candidates. There are two major methods of recruitment internal and external method which are as follows:

 1. Internal Method 

It encourages to apply in the vacant position from within the organization. It has following methods:

a. Job posting

It is an opening invitation for all eligible employee who are working in the organization at different levels and positions. It clearly describes nature of job, salary, position, place, duties, etc where all eligible employees can apply for job.

b. Employees referral 

It is the nomination by superiors for the vacant position. Under this method, the superior or supervisors collect the list of all prospective candidates and recommended their name for the vacant position. It is essentially word of mouth advertisement where a superior or supervisor announces for the vacant position and recommended the prospective employees.

c. Promotion

Promotion is a method or a technique to hire qualified applicants by promoting them in the higher position within the organization. The advantage of such requirement are that internal employees are more familiar with the organization's people, plan, policies and procedures. Promotion system makes employees feel more secure and more interested to work in long-term in an organization.

d. Transfer

This is the process where employees are recruiting internally without promotion.  They can easily transfer, if the management wishes to transfer them to the places of their choice. The practice of internal recruiting is progressive in terms of low-cost of training low rate of labor turnover.

e. Search of human inventory

Human resource inventory maintains  a detail data bank of all employees currently working in the organization. Under this method, the human resource development searches detail information of human resource inventory about different employees and collects the name of prospective employees for different positions. It is the most important internal method of recruitment.

 2. External Method

It is the process of attracting those people who are working in other organizations or waiting for job in labour market. It's aim is to collect pool of applications. It includes several method:

a. Direct recruitment

It is a popular method to recruit employees from external sources. Under this method, organizations issue notice regarding the vacancies and placed in notice board.
It calls the person who are working in other organization or waiting for the job in labour market. This method is followed when there is high supply of human resources.

b. Advertisement

It is an open announcement of a job opening to all eligible candidates who are living in the nook or corner of the country. It's aim is to attract less experienced as well as energetic candidates for the vacancies. Organizations may use different means for advertisement such as newspapers, radio, television, websites, etc to stimulate prospective candidates. However, the advertisement should be interesting, attractive, stimulating the job desire of individuals to apply in the job.

c. Casual callers

The casual callers are those who has applied in the vacancies and submitted application by themselves. Under this method, the organization may decide such applicants to re-apply in the vacant positions.

d. Campuses

Campuses refers to the college or universities where people with different qualities are learning together. Under this method, the organization visits different campuses describes different aspects of jobs to students and encourages to apply on vacancies.

e. Employment exchange agencies

Employment exchange agencies furnish large number of candidates. Under this method, organization contacts with different agencies and encourage to apply their candidates on the vacant positions. However, such agencies can be private, public and government.

f. Employees recommendation

It is the fact word of mouth advertisement where employees of the organization are required to recommend prospective employees on the vacant post. The employee who recommend competent candidate will be given reward. However, it is appropriate only for important and responsible job.
