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Reliability and Validity of Selection Test | Human Resource Management

Reliability and Validity of Selection Test
Reliability and Validity of Selection Test!

Selection test examines the different aspect of candidates to determine their suitability and acceptability. It should provide reliable and valid conclusion about the candidates. The tests of reliability and validity measures following aspects:

 1. Reliability Tests

Reliability means that the selection methods, tests and ensuing results are unchanging and do not vary with time, place or different subjects. Reliability is a measure of consistency with which a predictor continuous to predict performances with the same degree of success.
That means that, for instance, two interviews at a different time and place, with different interviews and questions but under otherwise same conditions and with the same applicants will bring the same result; namely the best candidates should still be the best and the interviewees who failed should still fail.

Reliability is tested in following ways:
i. Whether the test score in one sample will be similar to other sample or not. If there is similarity, the test will be highly reliable.

ii. When the test conducted at one period of time will yield similar result in other period of time or not.  If the result is similar, the test is highly reliable.

iii. When the score given by one rater or evaluator in a test and the score given by other rater or evaluator in the same test is equal or not. If the score is equal that will be reliable.

 2. Validity Test

Validity means accuracy. The term validity refers to whether or not a test measures what if intends to measure. On a test having great validity the items will be closely linked to the tests intended focus. It examines the relationship between score result and performance of candidates. It is tested in following ways:

i. Content validity:- Content validity measures the extent to which the content of the test are related to the job requirement. The test should measure tasks and the ability to do something well actually needed for the job.

ii. Consult validity:- Consult validity is used to ensure that the measures, actually measures what it is intended to measure and not other variables. It measures the psychological quality.

iii. Concurrent validity:- Concurrent validity measures the extent to which there is positive correlation between the job performance and test scores. Those who do well in the test do well in the job.

iv. Predictive validity:- Test results of applicants are compared with their subsequent job performance. It assumes that a high test score will provide excellent behavior and performance of employees in future.
