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Objectives of Human Resource Management (HRM) | Human resource Management

Objectives of Human Resource Management (HRM)
Objectives of Human Resource Management (HRM)!

Objectives are the desire or expected outcomes that organization wants to achieve. HRM is an objective oriented philosophy. The common objectives of human resource management are as follows:
1. Goal achievement 
2. Goal harmony
3. Structure maintenance
4. Productivity improvement 
5. Change management
6. Enhance quality of work life 

 1. Goal achievement 

Goal achievement is the main objective of human resource management. If focuses on different goal such as personal, functional, organizational and social. It focouses on personal goal such as compensation, job security, career development of employees. It also focuses on functional goal to insure effective utilization of resources and organizational goal such as profit maximization, wages maximization, etc. HRM also focuses on social activities to meet the social goals.

 2. Goal harmony 

Human resource management focuses on common goal that is acceptable to all elements of the organization. So, it maintains harmony by solving different conflicting interest of individual departments and organizations.

 3. Structure maintenance 

Structure refers to the differentiation of activities and integration of reports. It determines reporting relationship, communication patterns and duty & responsibility of human resources. HRM develops effective structure and maintain human resources in the organization.

 4. Productivity improvement 

Productivity refers to the ratio between input and output. Input refers to the total cost whereas, output as an income. The greater the ratio between input and output, higher will be the productivity. Human resource management makes human resources competent reduces wastage and manage cost. So, it contributes greater productivity.

 5. Change management 

Change refers making things different positive speaking. It is development change creates uncertainties in the structure, organization and make the employee insecure. Therefore, they protest the change. HRM makes human resources competent in every field and make them ready to go through change.

 6. Enhance quality of work life

Quality of work life refers to the quality of relationship between employees and working enviroment. Human resource management focuses on managing all resources necessary to accomplish the given job and promotes better quality of work life.
