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9 Important Characteristics of Human Resource Management (HRM) | Human Resource Management

Characteristics of Human Resource Management (HRM)
9 Important Characteristics of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human resource management refers to the set of activities to attract, develop, utilize and maintain human resources in the organization. The common characteristics of human resource management can be mentioned as under:
1. Human focus
2. Pervasive
3. Dynamic function
4. Universal approach
5. Part of management function
6. System approach
7. Continuous function
8. Strategic function
9. Focus on managerial employees

 1. Human focus

 HRM is a people dimension management. It focuses on management of human energy and competencies. It assumes that people are only living resources. So, it focuses more on human aspects of organization.

 2. Pervasive

As the HRM is concerned with the management of human competencies. It is pervasive in nature.  The concept of human resource management are applied in every organization at the every level. Without the application of principle, organization cannot achieve their goals.

 3. Dynamic function

Dynamic means changing. HRM is develop to manage an address, needs, expectations of human resources. However, there needs and expectations are changing frequently depends on change as environment. Factor through the concept and principal needs of dynamic changes to meet the needs of human resources.

 4. Universal approach

HRM is applicable in all organization in the world. It does not have alternative. Irrespective of size, nature, objectives and area of organization. All organization must follow the principles and philosophy of human resource management.

 5. Part of management function 

HRM is a part of modern management and its functions. Human resource management was taken from staffing function of the management which is concerned with attracting, developing, utilizing, and retaining employees in the organization.

 6. System approach 

System refers to the composed of different interrelated component or parts interacting together that produce a complete things. Human resource management is based on a system. It is a part of manage system and it is itself complete system. It includes different components such as acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of human resources in fact it is an open system.

 7. Continuous function

HRM is not a short affair or deal rather it is a continuous activities of an organization. Organization must regularly follow acquisition, development, utilization and preservation of human resources continuously till the existence of an organization.

 8. Strategic function 

Strategic refers to something that is unique. Human resource are the unique assets of organization and deployed to get strategic advantage. Their skill, ability, willingness cannot be imitated easily by others. Human resource management manages these strategic resources. Therefore, it is an strategic function of organization.

 9. Focous on managerial employees 

HRM assumes that managers are the guardians of any organization and responsible to manage policy, strategy and decision for the effectiveness of an organization. If the managers are competence they can manage whole organization efficiently. Therefore, it focuses on managerial level employees than non-managerial level employees.
