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Human Resource Planning (HRP) Process | Human Resource Management

Human Resource Planning (HRP) Process
Human Resource Planning (HRP) Process!

Human resource planning is a process of predicting future needs of human resources in terms of quality and quantity. As a process it goes through following steps:
1. Assessing current human resources needs
2. Forecasting human resources demand
3. Supply forecasting
4. Matching between demand and supply
5. Preparing action plan

 1. Assessing current human resources needs

It is the first stage of human resource planning process. It concerned with getting information about human resources who are currently working in the organization. Human resource needs are assists through human resource information system, human resource inventory and job analysis. Human resource information about the current human resources working in the organization. Human resource inventory provides a detail data bank of all human resources working in the organization whereas, job analysis explain about the types of job to be done  and human quantity and qualifications required to accomplish the job.

 2. Forecasting human resources demand

It is the second step of human resource planning process. It includes prediction of human resource requirements in qualitative and quantitative terms. In quantitative terms, it determines numbers of human resource required for future whereas in qualitative terms, it predicts skill, knowledge, ability or efficiency of human resource required to the organization. However, it influence by environment factors, objectives, strategic business plan, etc.

 3. Supply forecasting

Supply forecasting of human resource is the third step of human resource planning process. It is the process of acquiring informations about the source of human resource required to the organization. The source can internal and external.
The internal sources are those human resources or candidates who are currently working in the organization at different position. It can identify through human resource inventory, human resource information system, succession planning, etc.
External source is concern with the labour market and others outside the organization.

 4. Matching between demand and supply

It is a gap finding human resource planning process. It determines the surplus and shortage of human resources. In this stage demands and supply of human resources is compare and identifies shortage or surplus. If the demand exceeds supply that is called shortage but if the supply exceeds demand that is called surplus. It also helps to prepare action plan to implement the human resource planning.

 5. Preparing action plan

It is the last stage of human resource planning process. In this stage different action plans such as recruitment plan, selection plan, development plan, redeployment plan, redundancy plan, etc are developed and implemented to manage the surplus or shortage of human resources.
