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Concept of Human Resource Inventory (HRI) | Human Resource Management

Human Resource Inventory (HRI)
Human Resource Inventory (HRI)!

Employees are crucial assets for any organization therefore, organizations systematically maintains details records of all employees working in the organization is known as human resource inventory.  In other words, human resource inventory can be defined as the method of keeping detail information of all human resources who are currently in the organization in terms of quality and quantity. It maintains record of name, fathers name, address, experiences, skills, trainings, etc. However, organization sometimes maintain separate record of non-managerial level of employees that is called skill inventory. The human resource inventory contains following information:
 1. Personal detail
 2. Academic information
 3. Training related information
 4. Incentive related information
 5. Information about special skills
 6. Others

 1.  Personal detail

It contains the personal matters of human resources such as name, fathers and mothers name, address, marital status, date of birth, etc.

 2. Academic information

It deals about academic or educational degree obtain by human resources from different schools, colleges and universities.

 3. Training related information

It mention about the types of training obtained by human resources. The training can be off-the-job and on-the-job. It helps to understand the degree of knowledge of human resources.

 4. Incentives related information

It is concerned with the compensation rewards and incentives provided to the employees.  It mentions compensation to employees at the beginning of his/her career and amount of incentives or compensation the employees currently receiving.

 5. Information about special skills

It deals about specialized skill or area or area of the interest of human resources. It helps to understand to provide right direction to human resources for these Career development and the assign the right job to them.

 6. Others

 Besides the above mentioned information of the human resource inventory contains others different information such as experience, knowledge, religion, nationality, language, working history, etc.

Advantages of Human Resources Inventory 

Some of the major advantages of human resource inventory are as follows:
 1. It helps to assist the current need of human resources in the organization,
 2. It helps to forecast future human resource requirements,
 3. It facilitates for determining the source of human resources supply,
 4. It helps to make effective training and development programme,
 5. It helps to develop effective compensation system,
 6. It provides information to preserve competent workforces, etc.
