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Human Resource Management (HRM) System | Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) System
Human Resource Management (HRM) System!

A system refers to the set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. In an organization management of human resources can be viewed as a system. Human resource management consists the grouping of different four interrelated and interacting elements to produce certain outputs. Therefore, it is a system which operates in dynamic enviroment so, it is an open system. Human resource management system can be presented below:

Human Resource Management (HRM) System
 1. Input

Inputs are the information that are used to achieve outputs. HRM system brings with receiving inputs with environment. The common inputs used in HRM system are as follows:

a. Organizational mission, goals, objectives and strategies.
b. Organizational plans, policies and procedures.
c. Organizational structure and resources.
d. Organizational communication patterns and decision-making process.
e. Labour market
f. Human resource inventory
g. Human resource competencies
h. Social obligation and responsibilities.

 2. Process

It is a method of a way by which inputs are converted into outputs. Process system of HRM follows following four activities such as acquisition, development, utilization and maintainance of human resources in an organization.

 3. Output

 The output of HRM system are those results that it wants to achieve. The common outputs of human resource management system consists of following points:

a. Better quality of work life (QWL)
b. Increase productivity
c. Increase in profits
d. Readiness to change
e. Goal achievement
f. Satisfaction of human resources

 4. Feedback

It refers to the process of giving information about the outcome of Human resource management system to the organization and management. It helps to understand whether the organization expected outcomes or achieved. It also helps to take corrective action to improve outcomes.

 5. Enviroment 

Enviroment refers something that influence and surround the system. Human resource management system comforts with internal and external enviroment. Internal enviroment such as goals, structure, resources, culture, etc which are controllable. External environment locates the outside the organization surrounding and beyond the controlling ability of management. HRM as an open system it interacts frequent with external enviroment.
